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New Season

Stories of courage, advocacy and the ties that bind us to our land, oceans and each other.


Ignite your imagination with six new Loading Docs films. From a heart-pounding battle to protect ancient trees to a tender quest for extraterrestrial contact, these films offer glimpses into resilience, connection, and the shared human experience. Prepare to be moved.

Ko te hiringa mahara, ka puta, ka ao. Mea nei ko ngā pakipūmeka poto hou e ono a Loading Docs kua rewa nei.  Mai i te pakanga ā-hapori ki te tiaki i ngā rākau tawhito a Tāne, ki te karanga a te ira tangata ki te hunga tuarangi, he kuaha ēnei kohinga kōrero ki ngā wheako huhua o ēnei kaihanga kiriata me ngā tūhonohonotanga o tāua te tangata. Kia toi te kupu, kia toi te kōrero.

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Architects of Change

Forge new paths with individuals reshaping the world through groundbreaking journeys.

Ngā Aho Kōtuitui

Share deep connections and unbreakable bonds, highlighting the enduring power of humanity.

The Loading Docs Initiative

Ignite your imagination with Loading Docs, a platform that empowers New Zealand documentary makers to showcase their creativity, push boundaries, and inspire audiences worldwide.

Hikaina te kāpura o whakaaro, kia ngingiha, kia mumura. He whare whakairinga kōrero a Loading Docs, he korowai manaaki, he pūhara whakatairanga hoki i ngā kaihanga pakipūmeka nō Aotearoa, hei tuaritanga ki te ao whānui.

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All Seasons

Exploring life’s depth through joy, struggle, triumph in every Loading Docs Season.