He Ōhākī – Imparting Words of Wisdom
Kararaina Rangihau / Kelly Davis
10 mins
John Rangihau's Tūhoe wisdom, voiced through his daughter Kararaina, addresses a legacy of institutional racism.
Centuries of Tūhoe wisdom are illuminated by Kararaina Rangihau, youngest daughter of John Rangihau, as a means of truly addressing the impact of institutional racism against Māori. In 1986 John Te Rangiāniwaniwa Rangihau led a committee that delivered the most damning report of institutional racism New Zealand had ever seen, the Pūao Te Ata Tū, Daybreak Report. Now his daughter, Kararaina, carries on her father’s legacy by sharing his vision for a New Zealand that all future generations can be proud of.
We want to be a people who grew from this land, and whose ethnic origins are deeply tied into this land, and whose traditions have come from the land.John Rangihau
Ngā Aho Kōtuitui
Share deep connections and unbreakable bonds, highlighting the enduring power of humanity.